About Us

Esther is a mother to 2 wonderful children. She has been married to her husband for 6 years and is currently living in Salt Lake City. She has been photographing for more than 3 years and is enjoying capturing those special moments that make life wonderful. When she is not taking pictures she finds time to read, bake, sew, cook, and of course clean.

Rachael has been married for 5 years and is currently residing and working in San Diego. She is a guru for Shutterfly, as well as, a creative team member for Jessica Sprague, an online scrapbooking site. Check out her work here! She is also the brains behind the editing of each and every photo here at Esther Rigby Photography. Rachael continues to fill her days with her etsy shop The Juneberry Yarn. When she isn't rockin the online world she's crocheting, knitting, going to the beach, and reading.